Our Promise

We make this one promise to you: we guarantee to make you happy, because that makes us happy and we all like to be happy. Right? Happy customers are repeat customers and we like them the most. So we do everything in our power to ensure you come back. Guarantees will usually revolve around Time, Money and Quality – that makes sense and our guarantee to you is no different.


We promise to listen to your requirements and respond them quickly. You won’t catch us saying “that’ll be ten days…” We listen to what you need in terms of time scales and we aim to deliver well in advance of your deadline. We also answer our phones and our emails quickly. No passing from pillar to post, just fast service when you need it. If we are here, we are here for you.


We admit it – we are not the cheapest you will find, but we think we are the best. We are fair in our pricing because we offer you a personalised service. This is something the online printing places just can’t provide. We are real people and we fully understand budgets. We will also take into account the size of your order – order big and see big savings.


We don’t compromise on quality – it is our reputation at stake. We watch over your job at every stage from the moment you call us until those printing presses have delivered the very final sheet. We choose the best paper, the best techniques and we care. That’s it really – we care.